Comparison of three different illuminations to image an underwater shockwave.
List of reference articles studying shockwaves with CAVILUX illumination lasers from customers like Tohoku University, DLR, Nagoya University, Univers...
CavLab at the University of Glasgow is using CAVILUX Smart to study focused ultrasound via high-speed shadowgraphy imaging with up to 10 Million frame...
Glasgow university is studying periodic shockwaves in cavitation.
Application: Bubble Collapse Shockwave Interest: Formation of shockwaves Frame rate: 5 mio fps
University of Glasgow is studying very fast phenomena of shockwave from bubble collapse in ultra-high-speed using CAVILUX Smart laser illumination.
Application: Cavitation creation with sonosensitizer Interest; Study of shockwaves Frame rate: 500.000 fps
The German Space Agency is studying shockwave behavior in scramjets. CAVILUX enables very short pulses that eliminate motion blur of shockwaves.
Formations of shockwaves during the creation of cavitations with a sonosensitizer. The results have an implication on medical treatments.