Cavitar is part of the EU-project HORIZON2020 COMBILASER consortium

“COMBInation of non-contact, high-speed monitoring and non-destructive techniques applicable to LASER Based Manufacturing through a self-learning system.”

The goal of COMBILASER project is to develop advanced state-of-the-art laser welding and laser metal cladding techniques that could be ready for industrial use in different branches of European industry. In this regard, testing procedures of the newly-developed technology will be made on three different industrial use-cases, each with its own specific conditions.

COMBILASER project has published a promotional video (see the link below). The video was shot at the premises of Hidria AET in Tolmin, Slovenia  and it shows the newly installed COMBILASER-developed application for the welding of the new Hidria OPTYMUS pressure-sensor glow plug, together with the manufacturing process at HAET which is completely located within a clean room environment. Project development partners give their inputs about technical background on the project (University of Sheffield, Recendt and LZH) and general information presented by staff at Hidria AET and SiEVA.

The visualisation of the laser welding process in the video has been realized with CAVILUX laser illumination.

The project continues until the end of 2017.

» More information on COMBILASER